Guidelines for the Submission of Reviews
Thank you for agreeing to write a book review for Colloquia Germanica.
Your review may be written in English or German. We aim for a length of 750 to 1000 words, double-spaced. That is about 3 to 4 typewritten pages. Submissions beyond 1250 words, or 5 pages, may be returned for trimming.
Please submit your review as a Microsoft Word file. We generally follow the 7th edition of the MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers (2009), but if you are writing in German, you may put periods outside, rather than inside, end quotation marks. Use the tab key to begin a paragraph, and use it also for the spacing at the end of the review between your institution and your name. There should be only one space between sentences. Use the same font throughout, and do not use any bold type or underlining. Please follow the MLA Style Manual in using italics for book and journal titles, double-quotes for poetry titles, etc. Single quotes should be used only within passages that are already within double quotes. No footnotes, please.
Make full use of your word-processing program’s ability to handle the German alphabet, the symbol for the Euro (€), and any other characters you need.
The book title should be in this format:
Helmut Pfotenhauer (Ed.): Kunstliteratur als Italienerfahrung. Reihe der Villa Vigoni 5. Tübingen:
Niemeyer, 1991. 327 pp. € 10.
Please do not forget to include the book’s price, which is almost always available at the publisher’s website. Put your institution and name (the latter in italics) at the end of the review like this:
University of Kentucky Bernd Kratz
Please submit your review to as an attached document. We would like to have the review in about 4-5 months. Please keep me up-to-date on any changes in your e-mail address.
Thanks very much for your attention to these guidelines. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to write me at the e-mail address below.
Sincerely yours,
Gail K. Hart
Book Review Editor