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About MCLLC / Faculty Resources

Faculty Resources

FMER Resources

  • Click here for A&S documents related to completing the FMER.

MCLLC Department Funding Application Form

  • MCLLC Departmental Funding can be used for any projects (e.g., events, activities, items, materials, incidentals) that department areas would like to fund, beyond their allotted annual budget. To apply, please complete the following form: MCLLC Department Funding Application.
  • Application Deadline: End of the 4th week of each semester. After the deadline, applications will be accepted on a rolling basis until funding is exhausted.

MCLLC Request for Supplemental Professional Funds

  • The MCLLC Supplemental Professional funds are intended to supplement the costs needed for professional activities. To apply, please complete the following form: Request for Supplemental Funds.
  • Application Deadline: Monday, November 13, 2023.

A&S Funding Opportunities for Faculty

A&S Funding Request for Academic Programming and Events

New Course and Course Change Proposals

  • To create a new course or put in a course change, please submit the following files to DUS via email attachment no later than the Thursday before UC meetings (schedule available in department calendar):
  • (1) Syllabus using this template with learning outcomes following Bloom's Taxonomy guidelines; please note that if you are seeking UK Core approval, you must include required UK Core learning outcomes edited to fit your course material.
    • Syllabus must be in English for review by committees who do not necessarily read our languages.
    • Your syllabus must include all the required information using the template. Please build your syllabus using the template and leave all the boiler plate language as is; be sure to address everything highlighted on the template.
    • Please also use the Editor function in Word (click "Review" and then "Editor" should appear on the top left) to catch typos and other suggested revisions.
    • Learning outcomes must follow Bloom's Taxonomy guidelines. If they do not, the UC will return them to you for revision.
    • All courses submitted for UK Core approval must include required UK Core learning outcomes edited to fit your course material on the syllabus.
  • (2) Curriculog form
    • Be sure to answer all questions; responses are required for submission of courses to Curriculog.
    • Sample responses for Distance Learning questions are provided; we are required to submit syllabi for DL approval. You can read more about DL here, and are welcome to edit the responses to match your course specifications as necessary.
  • (3) (optional) UK core form (only required if seeking UK core approval).
    • If you want the course to fulfill a UK core area, please visit the link to find the form you need.
    • We can only choose one UK core area per course, so please just choose one form to complete.
    • Please keep in mind that when you are filling out the form, you need to choose a single assignment to use that will allow students to demonstrate fulfillment of all learning outcomes. This will likely be a final paper or project; think about how to design this assignment so that students can show what they have learned during the semester.
  • Process: all proposals should first be reviewed by the language area(s) involved. Then the UC reviews the documents you submit, and will vote to either approve as is or request revisions to ensure the class moves through UK's approval process as quickly as possible. After the UC approves your documents, the DUS brings the course to the department for approval at the next department meeting. After that, the DUS enters the course into Curriculog, the department chair approves it, and it moves on to the College, out of our hands. It may take up to a year for courses to be fully approved; UK Core adds a significant amount of time to the process.