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Admission Requirements

An applicant to the Program should first be admitted to the Graduate School.

Requirements for admission to the Program in Classics are:

  • An undergraduate grade point average of 3.0 or above on a 4.0 scale.
    • The Director of Graduate Studies may admit students with undergraduate grade point average below 3.0 on the basis of a student's last two years of work, grades in Classics, or general academic competence.
  • Competence in one of the classical languages (Latin or Greek) and at least basic competence in the other.

An undergraduate major in Classics, Latin, or Greek is not required for admission, but the Program suggests that entering students should have completed at least six semesters of either Latin or Greek and four semesters of the other language. Students lacking sufficient preparation in one of the classical languages may be required to remedy such deficiencies by taking undergraduate courses.  (It is possible, but not guaranteed that a student may receive credit for one graduate course upon the successful completion of two undergraduate classes. Such a credit would apply to one course only.)

The following documents should be submitted to the Slate online application system by February 1, if the applicant is seeking financial aid, or before April 15 otherwise:

  • A one-page statement describing the applicant’s reasons for seeking a Master's degree. If an applicant wants to be considered for financial aid (i.e., a fellowship or an assistantship), this is to be indicated in the opening sentence of the personal statement.
  • A list of Latin and Greek works read with approximate number of lines.
  • Transcripts.
  • Three letters of reference (normally from former teachers).

The Apply Yourself Electronic Application can be found here.

Should you have any questions or concerns, please email immediately the DGS: Milena Minkova (