ARABIC: UK Arabic Club (On Facebook here)
Faculty Advisor: Ghadir Zannoun
- The Arabic Club at the University of Kentucky is open to all students and features events and programs that promote the Arabic language and culture. The Club consists of a president, a treasurer, a secretary. The secretary position can be filled by up to three student officers. All three positions are elected at a meeting held during the second week of classes. Among the cultural and language events organized by The Arabic Club are: The Arabic Coffee Hour (ساعة صَفا), The Arabic Conversation Table, The Arabic Film Series, the Dearborn Field trip (free to students enrolled in the Arabic classes in the Spring semester), and a weekly study session. Students are encouraged to use every academic and non-academic opportunity to immerse themselves in Arabic to maximize your exposure to and facilitate understanding of the language and cultures of the diverse Arab world.
CHINESE: UK Chinese Club (Facebook and Instagram)
Faculty Advisor: Wei Jiang
- The Chinese Language and Culture Club is a student-run organization and is open to all students with an interest in the Chinese language and culture regardless of their major or language proficiency level.
- Chinese Club provides: Opportunities to connect with other Chinese students outside the classroom, conversation hours on campus, at local restaurants or ice cream stores, field trips in parks and arboretums, lectures and discussions to promote the academic study of the Chinese language and cultural exchange between Chinese and American cultures. The UK Chinese Club is a collaborator with Project Pengyou. Everyone is welcome!
- Please see the Event Calendar.
CLASSICS: UK Classics Club (on Instagram here)
Faculty Advisor: Valerio Caldesi-Valeri
- Free and open to all students with an interest in the languages and cultures of the ancient world regardless of their major, the UK Classics Club strives to offer social and educational opportunities meant to raise awareness of Classical Studies and foster a greater sense of fellowship among students who share a passion for the cultural legacy of ancient Greece and Rome. The Club sponsors get-togethers with Classics faculty and graduate students (free food, folks, and always great conversations!), musical performances (ever thought of how a modern poet-musician would perform an ancient poem?), film screenings (do classical themes make for Hollywood flicks that are so bad that they’re good?), public lectures, and other activities. Join us for an exhilarating time and find out how classics is still very much alive and relevant to this day.
CLASSICS: Tau chapter of the Eta Sigma Phi (ΗΣΦ) Classics honorary at UK (on Facebook here)
Faculty Advisor: Valerio Caldesi-Valeri
- Eta Sigma Phi is the national honorary collegiate society for students of Latin and/or Greek. Members are elected by local chapters which have been chartered by the society. The purposes of the Society, in the words of the Constitution, are "to develop and promote interest in classical study among the students of colleges and universities; to promote closer fraternal relationship among students who are interested in classical study, including inter-campus relationship; to engage generally in an effort to stimulate interest in classical study, and in the history, art, and literature of ancient Greece and Rome."
FRENCH: UK French & Francophone Club (on Instagram here).
Faculty advisor: James Donovan
- Visit the UK French and Francophone Club website for more detailed information. You can also find us on Facebook. We offer cultural and conversational activities, including conversation hours at local restaurants, film nights, game nights, and roundtable discussions. All activities are organized by undergraduate club officers. Our semester schedule is posted here. For a list of French tutors, click here, and for a list of translators, click here.
GERMAN: UK German Club (on Facebook here)
Faculty advisor: Bess Dawson
- Visit our Facebook page ("University of Kentucky German Club").
- Meetings for the German Club take place at the Max Kade German House. Come join us! Meet new people! Learn something new! Anyone interested in the German language or culture is welcome! If you love the German language, culture, people, or just want to hang out with people this is for you. Contact for current meeting and event schedules.
- German Club provides:
- Opportunities to connect with other German students outside the classroom.
- Exposure to German popular culture and current events.
- Information about study abroad programs, much of the information coming straight from of students who have participated in study abroad.
ITALIAN: UK Italian Club
UK Italian Club (Circolo italiano) meets weekly throughout the semester for events, conversation in Italian and/or tutoring.
Contact: Claire Oldfield (
Faculty advisor: Ioana Larco (
JAPAN: Japanese Culture in Kentucky Society (JCiKS)
- The University of Kentucky's Japanese Culture in Kentucky Society (JCIKS) is a student run organization aimed at providing students at the University of Kentucky the opportunity to engage in social activities and meetings exemplifying Japanese culture as seen in Kentucky. In addition, JCIKS aims to provide tutoring in the Japanese language for non-Japanese students, and English tutoring for students from Japan. JCIKS also exists to offer assistance and support for students from Japan studying at the University of Kentucky, with the goal of fostering a spirit of community among students from Japan and students interested in Japan.
- Regular meetings occur every Thursday night at 7 pm in Room 203 of Whitehall Classroom Building. All UK students, professors, and staff with interest in Japanese language or culture are welcome. There is no membership fee. For more information, contact JCiKs President Jimmy Wang ( or visit us on Facebook.
KOREAN: UK Korean Language and Culture Club (KLCC) (on Facebook here)
Faculty advisor: Liang Luo
- The Korean Language and Culture Club (KLCC) is a student-run organization created in order to promote Korea studies at the University of Kentucky through academic study of the Korean language and cultural exchange between Korean and American cultures. We are open to all those interested, regardless of whether your Korean level is native, beginner, or somewhere in between.
- Our primary activity, our Korean classes taught by student volunteers, are offered every Friday in Whitehall classroom buliding 237 at 4:00-5:00 pm for beginners, in Whitehall 235 at 5:00-6:00 pm for intermediate learners, and in Whitehall 235 at 4:00-5:00 pm for advanced learners.
- For more information, contact us at
RUSSIAN: UK Russian Club (On Facebook here)
Faculty advisors: Anna Voskresensky
- The UK Russian Club sponsors monthly Russian Tea, an event that provides Russian speakers of all levels the opportunity to speak Russian in an informal setting. Everyone is welcome! In addition, the Club sponsors film showings, lectures, and cultural events throughout the semester. The highlight of the Club's activities is RUSSIAN WEEK, which is held in the spring semester of each academic year. This week features traditional egg painting, films, and other activities. The week is capped off by a Russian dinner to which participants contribute some sweet or savory Russian dish. A wildly popular book auction is also held, and graduating Russian majors and minors are honored. In addition, the Club sponsors an annual t-shirt design competition that becomes the logo for that year's shirt. For more information contact Anna Viktorovna ( Check out our Facebook page as well!