MA in Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL)
The TESL Program is dedicated to developing professional English as a Second Language (ESL) or English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teachers for a career in education. The faculty work closely with learners to deepen their understanding of the English language, second language acquisition and teaching methods. We orient teachers to learner-centered and culturally responsive pedagogy which require teachers to be empathetic to learners’ needs, understanding of how and why people learn and skilled at implementing research-based second language teaching methods.
We offer a range of graduate-level, second language teacher education programs:
TESL Master’s Degree (36 cr.)
TESL Graduate Certificate (12 cr.)
ESL Endorsement K – 12 with Master’s Degree (36 cr.)
ESL Endorsement K – 12 (12 cr.)
Note: The Endorsement programs are designed for teachers who are already certified to teach a subject area in a Kentucky public school and would like to add ESL Certification K - 12.
Note: Applications for the fall academic year are due by May 15. All applications must be submitted through UK's Graduate School.
Goals: We have three primary goals for this program:
- Develop effective, professionally trained ESL/EFL teachers;
- Develop teachers who are reflective and inquiry-based practioners;
- Develop teachers who have the skill to manage the complex linguistic, cultural and identity issues central to second language learning.
Guiding Principles
Teacher Education as Praxis: Teacher education at its best is a form of praxis in which theory and practice are applied to the dynamics of a specific classroom and its unique set of learners.
Learn by Doing:
Opportunities for Practica and a supervised Internship
Themes: The program is organized around the following themes:
* Inquiry: Course research projects ask students to inquire into the nature of language, learning and teaching.
* Reflective Practice: Reflective Practice refers to a set of professional dispositions and activities that promotes educators actively seeking to improve their own professional competence.
* Experiential Learning: The program creates opportunities for students to gain classroom teaching experiences and then use those experiences to dig deeper into core issues of language, learning and teaching.
Director, TESL Program: Dr. Stayc DuBravac (
Officers of the Department of Modern & Classical Languages, Literatures and Cultures are:
- MCLLC Chair - Jeffrey Peters (
- MCLLC Associate Chair - Harald Höbusch (
- MCLLC Director of Undergraduate Studies - Julie Human (
- MCLLC Director of Graduate Studies - Milena Minkova (