Shale Earns Honorable Mention in Outstanding Literary Arts Journal Awards
Shale is an on-campus literary journal that features poetry, fiction, creative non-fiction, world language pieces and art submitted by UK students.
Shale is an on-campus literary journal that features poetry, fiction, creative non-fiction, world language pieces and art submitted by UK students.
2:00 PM Panel Presentation
Julia K. Murray (Univeristy of Wisconsin-Madison)
2:45 PM Panel Presentation
Kenneth J Hammond (New Mexico State University)
3:30 PM Panel Presentation
Mayfair Yang (University of California - Santa Barbara)
4:15 PM Q&A with Panelists
5:30 PM Introductions
Huajing Maske (UKCI) and Jeffrey L. Richey (Berea College)
5:45 PM Keynote Address
On-Cho NG (Pennsylvania State University)
"Interpreting Confucianism in the West"
6:30 PM Q&A with Dr. Ng
7:00 PM Public Reception
7:30 Film He Ni Zai Yiqi (Together)
Introduction: Jeffrey L. Richey, "Seeing Confucianism in Chen Kaige's Together"
9:30 Presenters Response:
Audience comments and questions
The relationship has never been made official, but everyone knows that Languages and the Arts are an item. As the story goes, the two got together sometime around the fall of Babel, and they’ve been inseparable ever since.
By Victoria Dekle and Brian Connors Manke
Rachael Hoy might be a graduate student in English, but right now her brain is more focused on mapping than sentence fragments.
The African American and Africana Studies Program (AAAS) at the University of Kentucky and the Department of Modern & Classical Languages, Literatures and Cultures (MCLLC) have combined forces to organize a special event, In Search of our Hearth: Reinventing the Odyssey, which will take place April 19-20 at various campus locations.
Alan Timberlake, Columbia University. "Differentiated Object Marking in (North) Russian, Spanish, and Uzbek". LIN Seminar Series - Part of Year of Russia's Realms. University of Kentucky - College of Arts and Sciences
Alan Timberlake, Columbia University. "Conflicting Realms of Russian: “God sent Russia Putin” to P****-Riot". Public Lecture - Part of Year of Russia's Realms. University of Kentucky, College of Arts and Sciences
This event was made possible through the generous sponsorship of the University of Kentucky College of Fine Art, College of Arts and Sciences, Department of History, Department of Modern & Classical Languages Literature & Cultures, UK College of Arts & Sciences Advisory Board and School of Art and Visual Studies.
The UK campus and Lexington community are invited to celebrate a different kind of Mardi Gras this year. Russian Mardi Gras, or Maslenitsa, is the Carnival holiday that celebrates the pre-Lenten season before the traditional 40-day fast begins.