Lou Swift
Professor Emeritus, Classics
Dean of Undergraduate Studies, Emeritus
Though now retired, he pursues one of his avocations which has to do with the history of religion and politics in America, and he continues to teach an undergraduate course on this topic.
2002- 2007 Book Review Editor. Journal of Early Christian Studies
1996-98 Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
1990-99 Dean, Undergraduate Studies
1986-99 Director, University Studies Program
1982- 2001 Professor, Department of Classics, University of Kentucky
Light House Award for Promotion of Diversity on Campus, 1999
Pace Setter Award, National Academic Advisors Association, 1997
College of Arts and Sciences, Distinguished Professor, 1992
Contact Information
Ph.D. Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md., 1963
M.A.T. Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md., 1958
S.T.B. Gregorian University, Rome, Italy, 1956
A.B. St. Mary’s University, Baltimore, Md., 1954
M.A.T. Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md., 1958
S.T.B. Gregorian University, Rome, Italy, 1956
A.B. St. Mary’s University, Baltimore, Md., 1954
Research Interests
- Early Christian Studies
- Augustine
- War and Peace in Early Christianity
- Religion in America
- Classics
- Modern & Classical Languages Literatures & Cultures