Jewish Studies Event
Rosie Moosnick, book signing and lecture
Lexington, KY native Nora Rose "Rosie" Moosnick is a sociologist by training and has just published her second book, Arab and Jewish Women in Kentucky: Stories of Accommodation and Audacity. Book signing
Lecture: Arab and Jewish Women in Kentucky: Stories of Accommodation and Audacity
Reception to follow
Sponsored in part by Univerisity Press of Kentucky
The Moosnick Lecture Series
Rabbi Michael J. Cook, PhD.
Professor of Intertestamental and Early Christian Literatures, and the Sol and Arlene Bronstein Professor in Judaeo-Christian Studies at Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion, Cincinnati, Ohio.
“Judaism, Christianity, and the Crucifixion: Coexistence versus Anti-Semitism on Parchment”
With reception following sponsored by the Moosnick family
Annual Luckens Prize Lecture in Jewish Studies
Annual Luckens Prize Lecture in Jewish Studies
Tania Tulcin, Yeshiva University
"Looking Down from the 'Tip of the Yud': Judah Leib Gordon's Critique of Rabbinic Culture in Late Imperial Russia."
Monday, January 28, 2013
7:00 pm
W.T. Young Library, Auditorium
The Mark and Ruth Luckens International Prize for Jewish Thought & Culture: The Luckens Prize is awarded to the best unpublished original essay by a graduate student or recent PhD. The Luckens Prize is administered by the University of Kentucky Jewish Studies Program and carries a prize of $1000, made possible by a generous gift from the late Dr. Mark Luckens.
The Moosnick Lecture Series
Rabbi Michael J. Cook, PhD.
Professor of Intertestamental and Early Christian Literatures, and the Sol and Arlene Bronstein Professor in Judaeo-Christian Studies at Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion, Cincinnati, Ohio.
“Gospel Dynamics’: When the Jewish Jesus Isn’t Enough”