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Latin for Kids

X. Latin for Kids

Cattus Petasatus, by Dr. Seuss, Translated into Latin by Jennifer and Terence Tunberg.

Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers, Inc., 2000. ISBN 0-86516-471-1 (hard cover), 0-86516-472-X (paperback). A tour de force; rhyme and meter give this translation the lively appeal of the original. A Latin-to-English glossary and a note on the verse form are included. A sample: "Cur sedetis?" inquit ille, / "Ludos vobis dabo mille! / Cattus, etsi sol non lucet, / Ludos vobis huc adducet!"


Esopus Hodie: Aesop Today. A Reader Workbook for Latin Students. Latin and English texts, by Dorothy Maclaren, poetry by Constance Carrier.

The American Classical League, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio, 1985.


Fabula de Petro Cuniculo (Peter Rabbit), by Beatrix Potter, Trans. into Latin by E. Peroto Walker.

Frederick Warne & Co., Ltd., London and New York. (probably out of print)


Ferdinandus Taurus (Ferdinand), by Munro Leaf, Illus. Robert Lawson, Trans. into Latin by Elizabeth Hadas.

Hamish Hamilton, London, 1962.


Latin for Beginners, by Angela Wilkes, Illus. John Shackell.

Passport's Language Guides, Passport Books. ISBN 0-8442-8632-X. Uses cartoons to teach Latin conversation and rudimentary grammar.


Learning Latin Through Mythology, by Jayne I. Hanlin and Beverly E. Lichtenstein.

Cambridge University Press, 1991. ISBN 0-521-39779-0. Especially suited for fourth through seventh grade students. The book retells thirteen of Ovid's myths, first in English, then in simpler Latin with guiding illustrations,followed by exercises and activities suited to this age level. Although no knowledge of Latin is assumed, the scope and linguistic sequence relate to the CAMBRIDGE LATIN COURSE UNIT 1 in order to provide teachers with a framework. The stories of the following myths are included: Diana and Actaeon; Perseus and Andromeda; Atalanta and Hippomenes; Baucis and Philemon; Cephalus and Procris; Daedalus and Icarus; Daphne and Apollo; Echo and Narcissus; Io and Jupiter; King Midas; Pegasus and Bellerophon;Perseus and Medusa; Phaethon. To help pupils with the pronunciation of the Latin, a cassette of the stories is available separately.


Mater Anserina: Poems in Latin for Children, with audio CD, by Terence Tunberg and Milena Minkova

Focus Publishing/R. Pullins Co., 2006. ISBN 1585101931 (hard cover). Mother Goose in Latin.


Minimus: Starting Out in Latin, by Barbara Bell and the Joint Association of Classical Teachers.

Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0521-659604 (Student's Book), 0521-397790 (Teacher's Resource Book). "A lively introduction to Latin and the nature of language for 7-11 year olds, richly illustrated and containing an entertaining variety of stories, myths, cultural information, grammar explanations, and exercises."


Piper Salve: Cursus Vivae Latinitas by Robert Maier, Mechtild Hofmann, Klaus Sallman, Sabine Mahr, Sascha Trageser, Domenika Rauscher, Thomas Gölzhäuser.

ISBN 88-8148-346-7. European Language Institute, Casella Postale 6, Recanati, Italia. FAX +39/071/977851. A course in living Latin, written in Latin. The title character is a pepper grinder.


Quomodo Invidiosulus Nomine GRINCHUS Christi Natalem Abrogaverit, a Doctore Seuss, in sermonem Latinum a Guenevera Tunberg (iuvante Terentio Tunberg) conversus.

Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers., Inc., 1998. ISBN 0-86516-419-3 (hardcover); 0-86516-420-7 (paperback). Dr. Seuss' beloved How the Grinch Stole Christmas, translated into elegant and lively Latin by Jennifer Morrish Tunberg, with Terence O. Tunberg.


Salvete (A First Course in Latin), by Ed Phinney and Mary Catherine Phinney (Book One), Ed Phinney and Stan Farrow (Book Two).

Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0521-40683-8 (Book 1), 0521-406846 (Book 2), 0521-405823 (Teacher's Manual), 0521-557445 (Cassette), 0521-659612 (Student's Book), 0521-659612 (Teacher's Resource Book). "A highly illustrated introductory course in Latin desgned for students in Grades 5-6"


Tres Ursi (Goldilocks and the Three Bears), Adapted by Hanna Hutchinson, Illus. Edward Nofziger, Trans. into Latin by LeaAnn A. Osburn.

Another Language Press, Cincinnati, 1995. Easy to follow, good for young children.


Virent Ova! Viret Perna!! (Green Eggs and Ham in Latin), by Dr. Seuss, Translatated into Latin by Jennifer and Terence Tunberg.

Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers, Inc., 2003. ISBN 0865165556 (hard cover). If you liked Cattus Petastaus, you will love this one.


Winnie Ille Pu (Winnie The Pooh), by A. A. Milne, Trans. into Latin by Alexander Lenard.

E. P. Dutton & Co., 1960, repr. 1961.