Japanese Courses Offered

In the Department of Modern and Classical Languages, Literatures and Cultures (MCLLC), the Japan Studies program offers:
- 4 years of Japanese language instruction, from the beginning to the advanced level;
- A range of modern and pre-modern Japanese cultural and literary studies courses in English;
- Study abroad opportunities in Japan;
- Internship opportunities in the Bluegrass region;
- Extracurricular/club activities on campus; and much more!
In addition, in collaboration with faculty members in other academic units on campus (such as history, geography, sociology, art and visual studies), we offer a range of courses on Japan, Asia, and beyond from an interdisciplinary perspective. In addition to language courses and cultural/literary studies courses offered from MCLLC, students are able to take these interdisciplinary courses in order to pursue:
- A major in Japan Studies;
- A major in Foreign Languages and International Economics/Japanese;
- A minor in Japan Studies; and
- A major in International Studies with East Asia concentration.
We hope that you will join us to explore Japan, and broaden your horizons as a global citizen of the 21st century.
Where can Japan studies take me?
By studying Japanese language, literature, and culture at MCLLC and beyond, we aim to help students gain a solid base to advance their explorations of Japan, scholarly or otherwise. Indeed, UK graduates studying with us:
- Have gone on to graduate work in law, geography, finance, and Asian/Japanese studies;
- Have joined the “Japan Exchange and Teaching” (JET) program, sponsored by the Japanese Government; and
- Have entered Japanese companies of various kinds in the U.S. and Japan.
Recent Student Activities
Bluegrass Area Japanese Speech Contest (Click image for their speech videos)
Tadoku (extensive reading) Class
Officers of the Department of Modern & Classical Languages, Literatures and Cultures are:
- MCLLC Chair - Jeffrey Peters (jnp@uky.edu)
- MCLLC Associate Chair - Harald Höbusch (hhoebu@uky.edu)
- MCLLC Director of Undergraduate Studies - Julie Human (julie.human@uky.edu)
- MCLLC Director of Graduate Studies - Milena Minkova (mmink2@uky.edu)
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University of Kentucky
Lexington KY 40506-0027
ph: 859-257-3761
fax: 859-257-3743