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MCLLC Programs / MCLLC Graduate Programs / M.A. in Teaching World Languages / Chinese Teacher Certification Scholarship Applications

Chinese Teacher Certification Scholarship Applications

New for 2019

In conjunction the College of Arts and Sciences, the MATWL program is pleased to offer substantial financial support for U.S. students who are seeking teacher certification in Chinese.


Eligible applicants

  • must be an American citizen or permanent resident.
  • should have a BA in Chinese or related field
  • should have at least intermediate proficiency in Chinese.

Applicants should apply to the MATWL program and contact the Director of the MATWL program at their earliest convenience.  Scholarships are rewarded on a rolling basis and can be awarded as soon as the application is complete.  Scholarship recipients will be notified within one week of their completed application.


Admission to the Chinese certification and MA program (MATWL) involves two CONCURRENT processes:

  1. Application to the MATWL program (Graduate School):

    Candidates must apply to the Graduate School for admission to the MATWL program and should discuss intended language of certification with the Director of the MATWL program. “The Program of Study” that you should choose is “Teaching World Languages”

  2. Application  to the Teacher Education Program (TEP):

    Candidates should apply for admission to the MATWL program with the TEP. Instructions and forms are available in the MATWL Application packet. Once admitted to the TEP, candidates will receive a written notification from the College of Education. You can contact the College of Education for more information on this at 859-257-4112 or Christopher Reese.

Applicants are encouraged to contact the director of the MATWL program at Interviews with the director are part of the application but can be completed at any point in the application process.

As part of the application process, candidates must demonstrate proficiency in Chinese through an ACTFL Oral Proficiency Interview. Oral Proficiency Interviews can be taken through ACTFL or by contacting the director to schedule one. Candidates must also document a course of study that reflects mastery of language structure, a broad range of modern and classical literature, and the history of the relevant culture(s).  Documentation of such a course of study typically consists of an undergraduate degree in Chinese. 

Other specific requirements include:

  • A minimum 2.75 overall undergraduate GPA, a minimum 3.0 GPA in Chinese courses, and a minimum 3.0 GPA in any previous graduate work
  • Three letters of recommendation (To be submitted through the graduate school online application)
  • An interview by the appropriate program faculty
  • A passing GRE Score

GRE should be taken after/in Aug. 2014: Quantitative: 143: Verbal 150; Analytical Writing: 4.0

***If GRE scores do not meet this requirement, please call 859-257-4112 to discuss your options and next steps.***

  • 200 hours of documented experience with children 6 to 13 years of age and 14- to 18-year old adolescents as well as community and cross-cultural experience
  • A character and fitness review
  • An Oral Proficiency Interview. Dr. DuBravac can help you determine whom to contact concerning the OPI. 

An applicant may be provisionally admitted without meeting all of the minimum standards if other factors, including letters of recommendation, and the oral interviews (English and L2), indicate an ability to perform satisfactorily in graduate-level work. Presentation of a minimum Graduate Record Examination score (GRE) and a minimum Grade Point Average (GPA) does not, however, automatically guarantee admission to the program, as the final decision depends on an evaluation of all materials submitted and the Program Faculty's assessment of the applicant's potential for successful graduate study and eventual teaching in the public schools.

Graduate school applications must be completed online, and the TEP application should be turned in to the Teacher Education Program at Office of Academic Services and Teacher Certification, 166 Taylor Education Building. You should also schedule a meeting with the director, Stayc DuBravac, Director of the MATWL Program, Department of Modern and Classical Languages, Literatures and Cultures, 1055 Patterson Office Tower, University of Kentucky, Lexington KY 40506-0027. For admission in the program, all materials should be completed and submitted before March 1st.