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Jeff Rogers is the Director of Undergraduate Studies for Modern and Classical Languages, Literatures, and Cultures. He also teaches a class called Global Horror, which examines the course of the horror genre of film from its origins in Weimar, Germany to the modern day. The class emphasizes an application of both film and literature to best cover how the genre has changed and evolved over a century.

In this podcast, Rogers joins us to discuss Global Horror, the real-world applications of film study,…


University of Kentucky professors Karen Petrone and Jeanmarie Rouhier-Willoughby have helped bring a distinctly Russian flavor to UK. In addition to their departments, they are both a part of the Russian Studies program and helped organize 2012's Russian-themed Passport to the World events.

Here, the professors give us a brief history of Ukraine and Russia, including glimpses at the origins of their international relationship and the current thought processes of their most…


Kentucky’s First Annual Japanese Speech Contest was held in Lexington on March 1st, 2014. The speech contest invited high school and college level students from around the state to compete in various categories, based on their level of Japanese study. One University of Kentucky student, Faiyad Mannan, a double major in


The A&S Wired Living Learning Community, housed in Champions Court II, gives freshman students the opportunity to create lasting bonds within the dorm and within the classroom. A&S Wired allows students to shape their own education experience through innovative, technology-driven courses taken alongside fellow Wired students. In this podcast, we speak with two A&S Wired Alumni, Connor Appleman and Angel Ho, and their younger siblings who also joined the program, Daniel Appleman and…

The College of Arts and Sciences' Passport to the World program has taken students all over the world. This year it’s stopping by our neighbor to the south: Mexico.
One of the ambassadors of the program is English major and A&S Spanish Social Media Coordinator Cecilia Amador. We sat down with Amador to discuss events…
During the summer of 2013, a delegation of University of Kentucky faculty had the opportunity to travel and teach abroad in China. Organized by the Confucius Institute, the trip placed 29 faculty members at the bustling Shanghai University. There, each professor was placed with a host department within the university.…

During the summer of 2013, UK Junior Mary Kate Elliott joined seven other students from around the United States in a month-long Fulbright summer program in England called the Fulbright Nottingham-Trent University Summer Institute. Elliott is working on a double major in English and French, with a minor in Dance.…


In recent years, the "Passport to the World" program has taken UK to South Africa, China, and Russia, and will celebrate its fourth year by focusing on MexicoProfessors Francie Chassen-Lopez (…


This past April, the University of Kentucky's Jewish Studies Program was lucky enough to host a lecture with renowned scholar and author Catherine Rottenberg. The talk, titled "The Making of an Icon: Black Harlem and the Jewish Lower East Side," concluded a series of special events hosted over the past year by the Jewish Studies Program. Rottenberg is an Assistant Professor at the…



For nearly two decades, the Jewish Studies program has drawn students and faculty from all over UK to teach and learn about Jewish culture, language, history, and beyond. In this podcast, I spoke with up-and-coming Jewish Studies Director, Jan Fernheimer, about what’s in store for Fall 2013, including a visiting scholar from Israel, a film series, and opportunities to connect with communities within and beyond the Commonwealth. 
